Sunday, November 11, 2007


When Kris asked me whether I am an atheist or an agnostic or simply irreligious, I started reading wiki pages on these three terms. While reading the page on "irreligion", I found these statistics showing the percentages of atheists,agnostics,etc per country.

I was surprised to see that some of the countries have an astoundingly high percentage of non-believers.

For e.g.

Sweden: 46-85%
China - 59-71%
Albania - 60%
Czech Republic - 59%
Japan - 52%
Russia - 48%

I wonder why? what are the fundamental factors that makes you an "atheist" or a "theist" ?

As expected, almost at the end was India with a mere 7% :) and in Iran its illegal to be an atheist or an agnostic =)).


krist0ph3r said...

nice to hear i got you thinking...and btw i don't particularly want you to believe in god, i just want you to be aware of the depth of the choice you're making :)

i suggest another option to be added to your survey (if possible). i'm a believer in god's existence and role in our day to day life, but creationism doesn't particularly interest me.

oh and a backlink to my blog wherever i'm mentioned would be appreciated :)

Unknown said...


Since the survey has already started, I will not be able to add the option that you suggested.

I would like to hear more from you about your definition/perception/idea/understanding of the omnipotent creator and his role in our lives. Just go ahead and write whatever you wanna talk about god.